Most Common Myths About Marketing, Design, and Project Management

July 1, 2023

Marketing, design, and project management are all fairly well known jobs. But how much of what you know about these professions is actually true? Let’s debunk some of the most common myths out there in the marketing world.

graphic illustration of people hovering over a pie chart cradled in a person's hands

Marketing encompasses a broad range of strategies and misconceptions surrounding its importance, and execution can be difficult to clarify. Some believe that marketing is only necessary for larger companies or solely for acquiring new customers, while others think that traditional advertising is sufficient. However, small businesses stand to gain the most from consistent and effective marketing. Proven to help expand and engage customer bases, marketing can give small businesses the tools to set themselves apart from competitors. 

While traditional ads play a valuable role, modern businesses need to use various tactics—such as social media platforms, email campaigns, and content marketing—to build trust and loyalty in this new digital age. Getting started with digital marketing can be a cost-effective alternative for those with limited resources. It's important to remember that good marketing takes time and requires a long-term commitment. While short-term results can be achieved through responsive methods like PPC ads, true success comes from a comprehensive strategy implemented over months. Consistency, brand strength, and a well-developed marketing funnel contribute to meaningful results. Quick gain techniques should be avoided in favor of a quality strategy supported by great content, which attracts the right kind of traffic for your business.

illustration of people interacting with digital media

There are lots of misconceptions about design. For example, many believe it is just about looks and making things look pretty, or that you have to be naturally creative to be successful. There is much more to design than meets the eye! 

Focusing on developing both form and function, good design is a process. Anyone can learn what makes a strong design through studying, adapting, and practicing. Whether it is developing brand aesthetics, or testing if a product is user friendly, collaboration is key to success. Some may feel the purpose of design is only to make things look nice. That however is highly misleading as opinions are subjective. The purpose of a design might not always match what is expected and can oftentimes be intentionally shocking, thought provoking, or funny. Great designs will push past the limitations of “pretty” to something more emotionally impactful for the marketed audience

illustration of person using a laptop with various icons surrounding them
Project Management

The customer is always right—a common phrase. However, in project management, especially in design or marketing, the customer may not always know what they truly need. Clients rely on your expertise and advice to get the best outcome. Another misconception is that adhering strictly to the timeline is most important, but sometimes adjustments are necessary, and it's not worth compromising the project's quality to meet deadlines. Flexibility is key.

As seen in recent years with the ongoing boom in technological advances, automation can be helpful but is not a replacement for good project management. It is crucial to use digital tools correctly and leverage them to support your work rather than relying wholly on them. There is no one-size-fits-all project management method. For this reason, agile, scrum, lean, and other methodologies exist, and give you a toolbox of approaches to enhance team productivity. Different teams resonate with different management styles.

What Does This Mean for You

Even with marketing, design, and project management as widespread professions, keeping the facts straight from the myths can be challenging. The key takeaways to remember are:

  • Marketing delivers long-term and lasting results, being especially beneficial for startups or small businesses.
  • There is flexibility in how you spend your marketing money to best customize your campaigns and results. 
  • Design goes way past making things look pretty, it is all about merging the best of form and function. 
  • Project management dances the fine line between sticking to a specific plan and adapting when necessary. 

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