What Your Clients Should (and Shouldn't) be Hearing From You Right Now

Current Events
Sales Strategy
May 20, 2020

With an unrelenting volume of noise, much of it peppered with unease, barraging your clients across various platforms, what you do with the time and attention they give to you is that much more crucial to your client relationships. Think through what you are implying within the message and weather that’s reflecting the core values of your business and intended communications.  

If you look back at some of your most effective messaging, the kind that elicited exactly the response you were hoping for, you are likely to see that you included one or more of the following foundational attributes.

What Clients Need To Hear In Your Outreach


Ensure the entire understands the importance of speaking with one voice, one consistent message as the bedrock for client outreach. It’s natural for the content to evolve, but do so with a measured gait and stay true to uniformity.


Candid conversation, particularly in times of uncertainty, can be effective in engaging your client. Be keen to maintain a high level of respect while saying what needs to be said rather than what is convenient to say. Honesty on this level gives you momentum to foster long-term allegiance in a moment of unparalleled disruption.


Sometimes leadership is simply being there when others are not. Expand your presence to your client base by leveraging the tools available to you, like updating your website regularly, holding virtual “office hours” or hosting an invite-only webinar to talk through some of the new questions you’re hearing that might give your clients comfort to see you are on top of or at least putting dedicated thought into.

What Clients DO NOT Need to Hear In Your Outreach


Debate and conjecture are best left to the pundits, scientists, and politicians. You are a trusted professional resource to your client. Don’t muddy that reputation by jumping unnecessarily into an ill-fated thought exercise.  


When you fail to say anything in a moment calling for response, your client’s worst outcome may fill their headspace, unchecked and gaining momentum. Be proactive with your outreach, be a resource for their market questions and reinforce the trust that they have in you through exhibiting the above characteristics.  

Blind Optimism

Your clients have accepted risk in their financial dealings, they can take the tough days of trading thanks to an established tolerance. While it is natural in this moment to dose our interactions with a bit of optimism, you’ll be well served to anchor your positivity to your analysis rather than an undefined silver lining. This will reinforce the honesty of the moment and make it easier to navigate the uneven market landscape that lays ahead.

If you actively listen, your clients will feel heard.

Protecting the sanctity of your client relationships does not require new thinking as much as diligent execution of best practices in communication. Our team believes that if you actively listen, your clients will feel heard. Engagement and mindfulness of your message will make a big difference in your client’s experience, especially during this time.

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